Thursday, 18 December 2008


Ok deadlines are tomorrow, It's also my birthday tomorrow and I'm meant to have friend coming up to stay from Londong to visit me, but seriously I haven't had a chance to worry about that as such.

This week I've already done 2 exams which i think went pretty dam good. So now all that is left is to reread my proposal and GPA essay's that are now pretty much complete. With regards to the networking the application is all done and dusted with the exception of the Dead Reckoning, gonna work on that through today and possibly tonight to get that implemented then update and finish off my report.

I'm tired, I'm cranky, I can't remember the last night i got a full nights sleep without my head spinning with ideas on what to write or what to code in the networking application. But It's almost done, one more day then i can go out and probably fall asleep within the first hour of my birthday celebrations with exhaustion. Back to work for me, soon its done.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Quick Update

Just had my meeting with Dr King and he seems fairly happy with the idea about the topic, and he seems to agree that it could make for some interesting research. He was a little unsure of what I was actually hoping to achieve at first, but after some discussion we had that cleared up so I'm confident this will lead to a successful proposal and project!

He had a couple of pieces of advice for me. He suggested that i try not to use the word personality in the research question as this is a very broad term, that will encompass so much more than what I am actually going to work on, so we decided that "behaviour types" would be a more appropriate wording for the research question.

  • "What is the feasibility of further optimising current AI path finding techniques in an unknown landscape through the‭ ‬implementation of distinct behaviours types?"
So this is the final question that I have settled on, now what is left to be done is to put my research and reading into the proposal document.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Deadlines WTH!

Ok they are closing in all around me it seems, Networking / Games Professional Awareness and the Project proposal are all due in on the 19th (thanks Dr Ozveren :p) of December, which also happens to be my birthday. Something tells me that will be a fun evening :D

But back to the tasks at hand, been struggling a bit with my networking application, whilst working on the proposal somewhat. Haven't yet started on the GPA essay, have decided to prioritise the other pieces of work ahead of that one, for now.

Well finally ! I have settled on a research question for my proposal ! Wohoo !

  • "What is the feasibility of further optimising current AI path finding techniques in an unknown landscape through the‭ ‬implementation of distinct personalities‭?"
The biggest advance i have made is the decision to focus on pathfinding in an unknown landscape. This is quite a leap from the usual path finding algorithms and decisions that units have to make. Normally the path for any given unit is pre-determined when its journey begins, the difference being when the unit is not fully aware of the terrain in front of it the path it undertakes will be constantly be changing depending on what the agent encounters on its way.

Now the theory behind this is when we apply this to enemy unit path finding AI, is that it makes for a much more believable and intelligent experience for the player. Now this type of research has already been undertaken to some extent, by a Professor A. Stentz in his paper on "Optimal and Efficient Path Planning for Unknown and Dynamic Environments" written in 1993.

The focus of my research will be to extend upong this pathfinding in unknown landscapes, but to also implement personalities to the agents to alter their individual path finding calculations in an effort to further optimise the travel time from the start node, to the destination zone.

Anyways I have another meeting scheduled for this Wednesday with Dr King, so I am eager to hear his ideas on the topic and focus.